Theft Investigations

The statistics on employee theft are staggering. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates that 75% of all employees steal at least once, and half of these individuals steal repeatedly. U.S. businesses lose as much as $110,000,000 a day due to employee related crimes. However, most employee theft goes undetected.

Employee theft is a serious problem that affects every type of business, from local Mom and Pop grocery stores, to huge multi-billion dollar corporations; and from service companies to high-tech businesses. In fact, it has been estimated that roughly 95% of all businesses are victims of some sort of employee theft. The stealing can include an array of items, including cash, inventory, data, and clients. What makes the situation worse is that managers are rarely aware of how much is being stolen, or even that theft is occurring in their companies.

The first line of defense National SIU offers to combat this predicament is installation of overt and covert CCTV systems. They serve as deterrents for unethical behavior, but also provide a way to document misconduct and theft. Furthermore, these systems offer added safety and protection for employees.

Unfortunately, we often get the call after theft has already occurred. National SIU has over two decades of experience in theft investigations and boasts a success rate of over 80% in solving these cases. Data is reviewed prior to commencement of any investigation, and then a strategy is put into place with the client’s approval and direction to ensure the best results.

Our process:

We are closely connected with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure that an example is made so that similar thefts will not occur in the future.

Ready to start your investigation?

Complete our Investigative Services Order Form or call us at 1-800-960-6748.