
Reality shows and movies have inaccurately depicted how professional investigators deal with sensitive cases involving infidelity. You need a firm that you can trust to complete a careful, covert investigation – without the fear of exposure or legal ramifications. In our experience, our clients’ gut suspicions about infidelity have been proven to be correct over 85% of the time. Do not take the risk of performing your own investigation based on how you think it can be handled. The amount of financial risk when attempting to perform your own investigation far outweighs the cost of our services.

Private investigators are mostly hired by spouses to spy on their husbands or wives. With 20 years of experience in the industry, we have become experts at co-habitation investigations and other matters that directly affect a divorce. Hire our infidelity investigators to help with divorce arrangements. We work with integrity and efficiency and always obtain accurate results!


Common Signs of Infidelity from Your Spouse

  • Reverse blame – i.e. Your spouse claiming that you are the cheater, not he or she
  • Extended work hours without ability to speak on the phone
  • Doesn’t answer cell phone
  • Absent for hours or days or disappears for no reason
  • Overnight business trips
  • Drinking more away from home
  • Starts trivial arguments
  • Decreased sexual interest
  • Goes to gym frequently, but never did before
  • New appearance, including glasses, hair, weight loss/gain, clothes, etc.
  • Excessive smoking or use of pain medication
  • Guards cell phone or purchases second cell phone
  • Unexplained numbers on phone bill or payments on bank statements
  • Carries unusual amount of cash
  • Uses several email accounts
  • Access to phone or computer now password protected

Over the years we have learned that most infidelity occurs in patterns. A couple meets at certain times or locations and then follow that pattern monthly, weekly, or sometimes even daily. This is usually established over time and therefore their sense of caution is greatly reduced. For example, a spouse claims to work out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but every Wednesday, instead of working out goes to meet his partner. Another example is someone who travels on a weekly or monthly basis. They use the excuse of being out of town to justify their actions. Look for new hobbies, changes in schedule, longer work hours, periods of time away from home, and excuses as indicators that infidelity might be occurring.

Specific Services


Infidelity investigations can be extremely expensive. Our goal is to determine the pattern prior to commencing surveillance. This saves our clients time and money and produces much better results. We can accomplish this by reviewing phone records, social media interactions, gps monitoring, computer monitoring, or, most importantly, your input. Once the pattern is located we schedule surveillance accordingly and are able to document all activity in public places. Video and photographic evidence is provided leaving no room for speculation or excuses.

Use of evidence

Piece of mind is the most valuable impact our evidence can provide you. We have had cases that have proven and disproven what someone believed was occurring. What if you were wrong? Imagine the implications if you were wrong. On the other side, the constant stress caused by not knowing can affect your health and overall sanity. Therefore having photographic and video evidence will decisively prove exactly what is going on.  Armed with factual knowledge you can make an educated decision instead of fueling one by emotion.


Since most states incorporate no-fault divorce, proving infidelity by itself will not hold much weight in divorce proceedings.  It does play an important role in negotiations though. What benefits a man or woman gets after divorce is greatly influenced if adultery is the basis of divorce. Proof of misappropriation of marital funds or income to bear the expenses of the other is considered “injurious” for the other partner and thus becomes an offence in the eyes of the court. Thus, if the adulterous spouse has spent a huge sum of money on his or her significant other by ways of gifts, vacations, rental or purchase of a house, or financial investments, then it has monetary implications on the divorce settlement.

How to order our services for Infidelity

We offer a free confidential consultation to discuss the particulars of your case but ask that you are prepared for the call or meeting with the following information.

  • Full names, addresses, identifiers, vehicles, license plates, descriptions, etc.
  • For surveillance provide two photos of the individual; one close for facial characteristics, and one full body.
  • Any type of investigative tactics you or anyone has attempted thus far
  • Attorney information
  • Known habits or changes in habits
  • Court Case number
  • Which services you are interested in
  • A time line or deadline
  • Initial budget

Ready to start your investigation?

Complete our Investigative Services Order Form or call us at 1-800-960-6748.